
Fun, Loving (and Award Winning) Pediatric ENT Care

Hearing Loss

Compromised hearing can adversely affect the development of a child’s speech and language skills, as well as overall learning and development.

Sleep Problems

Children can suffer from sleep disordered breathing, loud snoring, nasal obstructive symptoms and apnea.

Pediatric ENT

We evaluate children for enlarged lymph nodes, chronic nasal stuffiness, mouth breathing, drooling, hoarseness, neck lumps, vocal fold nodules, and vocal fold weakness or paralysis.

Pediatric ENT Services Designed for You and Your Family

We evaluate children starting from birth. Common pediatric problems include chronic middle ear infections (otitis media), persistent middle ear fluid (otitis media with effusion), and hearing loss resulting from these conditions. Compromised hearing can adversely affect the development of a child’s speech and language skills, as well as overall learning and development.

Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Our younger patients also suffer from sleep disordered breathing, including snoring, and sleep apnea.  We evaluate children for enlarged tonsils and adenoids, recurring tonsillitis and adenoiditis.  Recurring adenoiditis is very similar to recurring sinusitis.  It is difficult to distinguish between these two separate entities.

Noisy Breathing, Hoarseness and Neck Lumps

We evaluate children for noisy breathing, nasal stuffiness, and chronic mouth breathing. In addition, we see children for hoarseness, and vocal cord abnormalities including vocal fold nodules, weakness and paralysis. We evaluate children with neck lumps, and congenital neck masses, (structures retained from embryologic development) such as thyroglossal duct cysts, dermoid cysts, lymphangiomas, branchial cleft cysts, as well as benign and malignant neck masses. Evaluations may include scans. We can perform ultrasound evaluations in the office to further define a neck mass. Biopsies can be performed with the assistance of ultrasound imaging in the office.

Pediatric ENT Surgery Specialists

Common pediatric surgical interventions include the insertion of pressure equalization tubes (also called PE tubes), reconstruction of the tympanic membrane (tympanoplasty), removal of the tonsils (tonsillectomy) and adenoids (adenoidectomy).  We offer nasal surgery to improve breathing, such as reduction of enlarged turbinates, nasal septal reconstruction, correction of fractured nasal bones, and removal of nasal polyps or tumors.  We surgically remove congenital neck masses, enlarged lymph nodes and other benign and malignant tumors.

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