Hearing Loss & Vertigo
Hearing Loss and Vertigo are common ear problems evaluated in our office
The ears comprise the hearing apparatus and the balance organs.A� There are numerous disorders resulting in ear pain, hearing loss, chronic ear infections and vertigo.
The following are common ear disorders that we evaluate and treat:
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Some of the surgical treatments we offer include:
PE tubes
Pressure equalization tubes are considered for children and adults with chronic fluid or recurring ear infections
Removal of the adenoids in children is sometimes recommended to improve eustachian tube dysfunction which predisposes to recurring ear infections
A procedure to repair a perforation in the ear drum
Middle Ear
Trans-tympanic middle ear injections to treat sudden hearing loss
A procedure to remove chronic infection or cholesteatoma from the bone behind the ear
Ossicular chain reconstruction
Surgically reconstructing the middle ear bones of hearing to restore hearing.