Enhancing Your Hearing Aid Experience

Enhancing Your Hearing Aid Experience

Hearing aids are intended to substantially improve your hearing.A� They are intended to significantly improve your quality of life from a hearing perspective.A� It is important to understand what they can and cannot do.A� They do not provide a complete correction of hearing impairment.A� Hearing aids will not provide a substitute for normal hearing, and will not completely restore your hearing to normal.A� The benefits derived from utilizing hearing aids, even the most technologically advanced, will vary from person to person.A� The greatest benefit will be achieved when you are fit with proper hearing aid technology, when the hearing aids are used consistently every day, and with supplementary implementation of other communication techniques.

In conjunction with hearing aid use, better hearing is a total communication approach often-times requiring implementation of communication strategies, assistive listening devices or Bluetooth technology. In fact, there are some simple strategies you can use on a daily basis to improve and maximize your hearing ability.A� These include:

  • Turning off the radio or television during conversation
  • Asking others to speak slightly louder than normal, but not to shout. Shouting may distort speech
  • Asking that others speak at a normal rate but not to exaggerate sounds
  • Avoiding crowded, busy,A� and noisy areas in restaurants and at social gatherings

In situations when you are speaking to a hearing-impaired person, effective strategies include:

  • Facing the person who has a hearing loss so that he or she can see your face when you speak
  • Being sure the lighting is in front of you when you speak.A� Avoid back lighting.A� This allows the listenerA� to observe facial expressions, gestures, and lip and body movement that provide communication clues
  • Avoiding conversation while chewing food or covering your mouth with your hands
  • Clueing the person with hearing loss about the topic of conversation whenever possible
  • Rephrasing your statement into shorter, simpler sentences if it appears you are not being understood

Assistive Listening Devices may also help in difficult listening environments. These devices include: TV ears, PocketTalkers, amplified telephones, closed caption, vibrating alarm clocks and FM Systems.

Bluetooth compatibility may also be a feature used in conjunction with some hearing aid models that allows for increased phone, computer and television enhancement.

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