The Silent Link: Exploring the Connection Between Hearing Loss and Fall Risk


Hearing loss is often considered an isolated condition, primarily affecting one’s ability to perceive sound. However, recent research has shed light on a surprising and significant connection between hearing loss and an increased risk of falls. This silent link emphasizes the importance of addressing hearing health not only for improved communication but also for overall safety and well-being.

Coming this Spring: Join Me at the “Use of CBCT in Endodontics” Workshop

Please join me for a 2-day classroom event on the “Use of CBCT in Endodontics” this coming March 4th and 5th in Washington D.C.

This evidence-based program, updated with the most current information, has been presented more than 65 times during the past twelve years. This workshop applies to all limited field of view CBCT scanners.

Three Common Ways to Evaluate Your Hearing Aid

There are several ways of evaluating how well a hearing aid compensates for hearing loss.   Below are three of the most common options.


One approach is audiometry, which measures a subject’s hearing levels in laboratory conditions. The advantage of testing in a lab is that threshold levels for various sounds and intensities can be measured under a variety of conditions.